Dr Allison AtkinBSc MHSc (Osteo) DipPaedOst (London) MemberOA MSCCO
Advanced Paediatric Osteopath (tertiary) Allison Atkin (nee Lalor) believes osteopathy can optimise the health of the whole family. While she enjoys treating patients of all ages, Allison has a special interest and extensive training in treating babies, children and women during and after pregnancy. Allison completed her Masters in Osteopathy at Victoria University, which included a masters thesis exploring the osteopathic assessment of babies. Allison and Brendan then completed a two year postgraduate diploma of Paediatric Osteopathy (DPO) in London, which covered the treatment of both mothers and babies, as well as numerous post graduate courses covering Osteopathy in the cranial field, Biodynamic Cranial Osteopathy and Osteopathy for mothers and babies in Australia, New Zealand, Europe and America. Through the London based paediatric program, she was fortunate enough to work alongside paediatricians in the neonatal intensive care units of Barnet and North Middlesex hospitals in London on a rotational basis, providing osteopathic care to premature babies. Allison believes it is essential to work alongside your healthcare professional to provide a safe and holistic treatment approach. Bachelor of Applied Science (Clinical Science) – Victoria University, Melbourne Masters of Health Science (Osteopathy) – Victoria University, Melbourne Diploma Paediatric Osteopathy – Osteopathic Centre for Children, London Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation Faculty Member Member Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy, UK Member of Osteopathic Cranial Academy, USA Member of Osteopathy Australia Registered with Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency |