Below are some examples of reasons parents may seek the help of an osteopath for their child and how the osteopath may approach their child's condition. This list is not exhaustive and if you think osteopathic care may benefit your child, please call to speak with one of our osteopaths or book in for an initial consultation. Feeding difficulties Osteopaths work closely with midwives, lactation consultants, dentists, doctors and paediatricians to discover the cause of breast feeding issues. Osteopaths are especially interested in jaw mechanics, i.e. how far the baby can open their mouth to achieve an adequate latch and their overall comfort on the breast. Often when a baby shows a preference to laying with their head only to one side, or only turning their head one way they find one breast more difficult to feed on compared to the other. Tension or discomfort in the babies upper neck or head may cause feeding to be uncomfortable for both mother and baby. Irritable baby All babies should be under the care of their maternal child health nurse, GP and paediatrcian where necessary. When you take your child to the osteopath, they will perform a thorough examination to determine whether physical treatment may help reduce their symptoms. Accidents/Injuries Babies and children of all ages can experience trauma from all sorts of falls, most commonly, falls when learning to walk or playing sports at school. Osteopaths are trained to assess and treat sprains and strains and provide rehabilitation advice where necessary. If you child has had a serious fall or injury it is important to have them assessed at your local emergency centre or doctor before seeking osteopathic care. |
Fluid in the ears All babies and children with ear infections and childhood illness should be under the care of their doctor, paediatrician or ENT specialist. There are a number of factors influencing why children experience more ear infections than adults. One of the major differences is the more horizontal orientation of the eustation tube (where the fluid drains from the ear) in a child compared to an adult, making it more difficult for the body to drain fluid from the ear. When babies have an excess of fluid in their ears, the osteopath will assess the whole body, with a focus on ensuring all areas of the body involved in the drainage pathway are free to move in the hope that the body can naturally improve drainage from the ears. |